T: 212.931.0704 | E: erosin@tcllaw.com

Mr. Rosin began his career litigating auto, civil rights, premises, and general liability matters. Since his transition to antitrust litigation, he has been focused primarily on the discovery phase of complex consumer class actions involving an array of anticompetitive practices such as price-fixing, exclusive dealing, market allocation, and other unlawful monopolistic conduct. Mr. Rosin has worked on cases across multiple industries including contact lenses (In re Disposable Contact Lens (M.D. Fla.)), single- serve coffee (In re Keurig Green Mountain Single-Serve Coffee Antitrust Litigation (S.D.N.Y)), pharmaceuticals (In re Generic Pharmaceutical Pricing Antitrust Litigation) (E.D.Pa.)), and dealer management system and data integration services (In re Dealer Management Systems Antitrust Litigation (N.D. Ill.)).
Mr. Rosin graduated magna cum laude, with honors, from the University of Michigan in 2009, with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. He also earned the Residential College Commendation and Certificat d’Etudes Politiques. Mr. Rosin graduated from Brooklyn Law School in 2013, where he was an editor for the Brooklyn Journal of International Law and member of the Phi Delta Phi Legal Honor Society. While at Brooklyn Law, he interned for and actively contributed to the Brooklyn Law School Community Development Clinic. Mr. Rosin is admitted to the Bar in New York and Michigan. He joined the firm full-time in 2018.